John 8:12Notes From the Pastor's Desk
#notesfromthepastorsdesk 📖John 8:12 (ESV) Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” 📘Pastor's Note: Light is the brightness that allows humans to see. Jesus said, “He is that light!” It is only in Him and through Him that the scales fall from our eyes. Only through Him can we go from blind guides to seeing fisherman capable of leading others rightly. The old saying, “seeing is believing,” is not true. We first believe then we see. Are your eyes capable of seeing? 🙏I'm praying for you always. ❤️ Pastor Jamie Read the Chapter: Learn more about us Matthew 19:26 (ESV)Notes From the Pastor's Desk
#notesfromthepastorsdesk 📖Matthew 19:26 (ESV) But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 📘Pastor's Note: This verse comes on the tail end of a rich young man asking Jesus about what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus starts off by asking him some questions about the law. In which the young guy said, “I’ve done all those things.” Jesus, knowing his heart, tells him, “sell everything you have, give it to the poor, then come follow me.’ The young man went away sad because he had much wealth. Jesus revealed where this young man’s affections truly laid. His wealth, his possessions. Those things were his god. When the disciples experienced this, their question was, who then can be saved?” They attached material blessing as God’s favor upon someone. They thought that because this man was rich that he had God’s favor. That’s why they asked that question, “who then could be saved?” See, God always looks at the hearts of men. Money, possessions, and temporary wealth can be unhealthy if emotional attachment to those things are out of place. But praise the Lord, that He is the God of doing the impossible. He can take a man who rightly understands that everything he is given is a blessing and resource God has given him to steward. How do you view your wealth and resources? And make no assumption that we aren’t blessed materially. We, in America, are among the richest people in the world regardless of being lower, middle, or upper class of this society. Do we keep our “things” in the right perspective? Or do we idolize them? Good question for us to always evaluate in our lives. 🙏I'm praying for you always. Have a blessed week in your surrender to the King of Glory, Jesus Christ❤️ Pastor Jamie Read the Chapter: Learn more about us Genesis 3:4-5📖4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 📘Pastor's Note:
That crafty snake, Satan, will do whatever he can to get us to question God’s word. He is cunning. He knows just how to twist the words in order to get us to focus upon self and the desires of our eyes and flesh. His tactics have not changed since the garden. Why change something that is so effective? Brethren, that’s why we must know God’s word. We can not be satisfied with inch deep knowledge and understanding. We must study to show ourselves approved. Only when we do that will we be able to discern right from wrong, right from almost right. The Scriptures, God’s breathed-out words, have been given us for our good. Do not forsake the wisdom, the comfort, the life, the absolute truth found within its pages. Satan rejoices when a believer doesn’t feed regularly upon God’s word. Let’s make a stand. Let’s give that snake no reason to smile. Study, then study some more. ❤️Have a blessed day in your walk with Christ. I'm praying for you always🙏 Pastor Jamie Read the Chapter: |
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